Predictable Failures
ADHA Fort Worth meeting begins at 6:30PM, immediately followed by Predictable Failures CE Course
In today’s world, the next BIG emergency is always right around the corner. Whether it’s your computers, employees, clients, natural disasters, or uncontrollable viruses, it pays to be prepared for something to go wrong! So how do you prepare? How do you protect your business you worked so hard to build?
The answer: you plan for things to FAIL.
Featuring Amy Wood
Amy wood is a best selling author, speaker, consultant, and coach. She has a background in healthcare information technology and has spent the last decade as a HIPAA educator, risk assessor, and data breach consultant. Out of the hundreds of data breach investigations she has consulted on, her clients have received zero fines and zero patient lawsuits. Amy takes your boring, every day compliance course and turns it into an entertaining and educational conversation.